H7 Virtual Meeting Calendar
To join us, click on the meeting you desire
and click on "Join the Zoom Call" to enter the
1. "B2B" is our weekly networking meetings for B2B professionals only. H7 defines B2B as B2B professionals' clearly focused on marketing to "other businesses". There are members in this program from 14 states.
2. Health and Wellness or Root or Tech Corner or Flex are Specialty Groups and included with the H7 membership. These meetings are designed for the member to access more value for their membership. Health and Wellness is for the health and wellness professional. Root is faith-based. Flex is a meeting that has a presenter on a specific topic. Tech Corner is a meeting where you can take your technical questions about CRMs, LinkedIn, and more.
3. State or metro area meetings. These networking meetings are operating in those states/areas.