CSA Certification 3.0©
Building a relationship often follows the path of like, know, and trust. When professionals engage in a "Regular One to One," they typically adhere to this pattern. However, in the "Connect, Serve, and Ask™ ™ ™ ™ One to One," the focus shifts intentionally towards establishing trust. By dedicating time to earning trust, the natural progression of like and know will naturally follow.
Be sure to register below (by clicking on the button) so you can take the certification but also read more (by clicking on the button) about the Objectives of the CSA Certification 3.0.
***The CSA certification is the "lone" annual requirement for maintaining your current membership. You don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your skills and keep your membership in good standing.
Discover the secret communication strategy for business networking by focusing on earning TRUST so that LIKE and KNOW follow in this certification. By taking and completing this certification, we believe that you will be able to effectively utilize the techniques provided to harness the influence of word-of-mouth marketing, resulting in a more predictable growth for your business via TRUSTED-RELATIONSHIPS.
Connect, Serve, and Ask™ ™ (CSA) not only represents our Community's Culture but it is also a professional One to One Meeting Style held between TWO professionals. To Connect, Serve, and Ask™ ™ ™ ™ (CSA) someone in a one to one means that you value the person across from you. This style of One to One is the New Standard and Pitch-Slapping is Out.